Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Most Useful Baby Thing of All

A lot of my friends are having babies. Often, they ask, "what's the one baby thing you couldn't live without?" I have a million answers: a bouncy seat, swaddle blankets, flannel burp cloths, feety 'jamas, Aquaphor, Balmex, and Mylicon.

But really, the most useful gadget? A Shop Vac. I'm serious. It cleans dry spills wonderfully. But, the real magic? It cleans up wet spills too.

You know, wet spills. Like when your four-year old vomits refried beans and popcorn all over your Natuzzi leather couch and shag carpet. Those kinds of spills.

You can disinfect the Shop Vac when you're done. Magic.

It has been a long afternoon, and I promise this is the last vacuum cleaner post for a while. But, moms need to know this: the 2.5 gallon Craftsman Shop Vac. Hurry. Sears is going out of business.

(It beats the Bissell Little Green hands down. No question.).

P.S. I almost cried about the Natuzzi. But, we got the couch second hand. Someday, I'll extol the virtues of second hand shopping for children. I spend a lot of Saturdays at garage sales-totally worth it.

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