Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fun, Food, Family (Catching Up on the Family Photo Album)

It's the holidays, and by holidays, I mean that six week period from mid-November to the end of the year when my house looks like a clothing bomb has gone off, my van is a rolling rummage sale of tied up Target and WalMart bags (have to hide those presents somewhere), and the lights are blazing at midnight while we try to wrap one more present, bill one more hour, and survive one more week.

Hamilton Hank Holidae, our elf, has sugared the tablecloth, toilet papered our kitchen, and turned the milk green. I'm about ready for him to fly back home for another year.

In the meantime, we've found time for food, for fun, and for each other:

We're exhausted and running on fumes. Or love. All you need is love, right? We're punchy, silly, and generally happy to see the holiday season: 

GiGi is obsessed with her holiday Hello Kitty shirts. She wears one every day. Every single day. They make her smile. This makes me smile. 

She also has found a particular affection for waffles. 

It has been unseasonably warm. And we've taken advantage of the lovely weather. (And I'm happy to report that my big boy still loves George. This makes me smile too.). 

GiGi's not sure about the leaves. We have a lot of them. More than we thought. About 48 bags worth. I think. I lost count when we were out in the dark of night stomping wet leaves into the "just right" greenie bags for pick-up. The neighbors must think we are some strange cookies. 

GiGi started to get the hang of it. 

Just another night at our house. GiGi has learned to accessorize. RJ has learned to zerbert her tummy. They both find this hilarious. 

Look closely. She's wearing one Hello Kitty sneaker. If you sit in one place long enough, she'll bring you a shoe. And you'd better put it on her foot. Or you'll be sorry. Everyone will be. GiGi has an affection for shoes and a hot little temper. 

We've been cooking. RJ and his nanny helped make chocolate pie. 

GiGi helped make Thanksgiving dinner too. In her own special way. (That's 100 packets of Splenda in case you're wondering. And yes, she picked out her own shoes and accessories.). 

How GiGi does Thanksgiving.

Poppy's girl. 100%. 

I wanted some super special, super meaningful picture of sibling love for Thanksgiving. He stole her cracker. And ate it right in front of her. That's meaningful. 

My mom made us aprons. RJ actually loves to cook, and he wears his apron regularly. But someday, this will make an awesome addition to his wedding slideshow. 

He still lollipops. 

GiGi is learning to lollipop. 

She's sunshine most days. But every once in a while, we get to see that little temper.

But, the just right pair of shoes makes it all kinds of better. These were Mommy's tap shoes. And they entertained my baby girl. 

She still has those thighs. Those adorable thighs.
 I hope she always eats the cake and never loses those thighs. 

And she's learning to step it up. 

We actually made it to a fly-in breakfast. We used to go nearly every month. It was cold and windy. But RJ still managed to get his Poppy out on the runway for a walk. 

Grandma made aprons for more than just the grandkids. She did a whole show! 

Completely gratuitous. I just can't resist this smile. 

Some other things I can't resist: pink corduroy jumpers, ruffled socks, and baby dolls. 

RJ performed in a Christmas show at his little Lutheran school. 

The boys were shepherds, and the girls were angels. This little angel didn't have a part. But she stole the show nonetheless. 

Pretty baby. Pretty daddy. 

We finally got the first ornament hung! I've missed this smile from my RJ. 

And, a week later, we got the whole tree decorated. 

She's thinking this holiday season is about to get really interesting. 

And with that, I'm caught up. Until next time, enjoy your families. Enjoy the food. (Forget the laundry. Forget the dishes. It's the most wonderful time of the year!)

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