Tuesday, July 2, 2013


My first real bicycle was white with pink air brushed shadows. Streamers off the handlebars. 16 inches of raw pedal power.  To be fair, I had a 12 inch yellow bike when I was a toddler, but it was that pink and white 16-inch that gave me my first chance at freedom. Wind in my hair (because who wore helmets back then?); freedom; wheels!

I wrecked that bike when I was 6--flipped right over the handle bars on Donner street and landed smack (whack!) on my forehead. It was a mighty goose egg, and I was mighty scared. The training wheels went back on after that, and I kept them for a long time after that.

My next bike was totally awesome. Blue. Banana seat with flowers. Streams and a basket. 20 inches. I rode it until I got too cool and needed a rad 10 speed.

My favorite will always be that first pedal powered pink wonder.

I hope RJ looks back on his first pedal powered wonder with the same sense of nostalgia. Because his first bike is a total bad***. Blue. With a kickstand! (This was a big deal). 20 inches--because my boy is already so tall.

He got his first taste of that freedom. Wind in his helmeted hair (we know better now). Wheels!

We surprised him on an ordinary Saturday morning--just because. (I wish every little boy could be surprised at least once in his life on an ordinary Saturday morning just because.)

At this point, he wasn't sure if the best surprise was his bike or the gum from the gumball machine. 

Every little boy should be surprised by his daddy on an ordinary Saturday at least once. 



Concentration and joy. 

He graciously let his sissy try it out.

I feel like I'll be seeing this view far too often from now on. (His helmet lights up--almost as exciting as a new bike--and this makes me happiest of all, because he's still my little boy even with wheels and freedom.). 

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