Sunday, July 28, 2013

Bright Shiny Childhood Memories

There are few childhood memories that adulthood hasn't dulled in one way or another. But, I'm fortunate to have a few bright and shiny memories to share with my children. Wentz Pool is one of those:

(I'm the one on the right; it was always so much more fun with good friends). I was a total babe. 

I grew up--graduated to sunglasses over goggles. But Wentz is still the same castle like fantasy. It's like swimming at a country club fit for Gatsby. 

GiGi was pretty excited at her first look over the pool. For RJ, this was old hat: 

And I do mean old hat (he wore it for three seasons.).

Been there, done that. (Nothing changes. That's what makes this place so fabulous.)

See the castle? It's still there. Actually, there are lots of them. 

She pulls off total babe better than I did. 

Although, I did fill out a bikini pretty well around her age (again, on the right).  

She's thinking about something. I just wish I knew what it was. 

My strong man. 

It was just kind of an ordinary Saturday in an ordinary town. But, for once, my memories of a not-so ordinary place weren't jaded by they eyes of adulthood. Wentz is still my Gatsby castle fantasy (I even had my senior pictures taken there, but those way pre-date digital photography and copyrights and all that).  I count myself lucky to be able to share my castle fantasy with my babies. (P.S. It's only $2 for adults and $1 for kids--pretty much worth the drive no matter how you do the math, and they have a concession stand that sells snow cones!). 

1 comment:

  1. thanks for sharing - it is fun to see the old places we all loved as a kid!
