Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Next Nadia? Perhaps. Perhaps Not.

There are any number of things I could (and should) write about tonight. The Supreme Court is making a historic decision. The governor of Oklahoma is about to sign in to effect a law that would allow the slaughter of horses just up the road from my house (not really up the road, but 30 miles is still too close).  I still need to finish out my series on the practicalities of part time work. And, I have a few (hundred) Easter egg hunt photos that I need to upload.

I've done a lot of things that require confession, particularly in this Lenten season.

I fixed my children's hair with the cat comb this morning when I couldn't find their hairbrush in the morning rush.

Whew. I feel better. Had to get that one off my chest.

But, tonight was GiGi's first gymnastics class, and since I am convinced she will be the next Nadia, I feel that I should document it for the sake of history.

She's the youngest gymnast by about 6 months. So young, in fact, that when her coach asked her the "question of the day," "what did you eat for lunch?", GiGi's response was "Eat! Eat!" It's one of her words. Her other phrase of the night was "I done! I done!" She's the shortest gymnast by about 6 inches. She's a tiny little thing, but hey, so was Nadia.

She refused the balance beams, the forward rolls, the trapeze, the foam pit, and the climbing wall. "Neow, neow." (She really says "no" like a little cat.).

But, she surprised me by swinging about 4 feet in the air on the ring-swing.  And, she spent the entire class trying to break loose and run for the trampolines. She can't quite jump, but she's got the knee bend, booty shake down perfectly. She also very much enjoyed mommy's rousing rendition of "If  You're Happy and You Know It" while bouncing cross-legged with GiGi in her lap.

It's a hands-on mommy and me class. I'm the mommy. So, my hands were on GiGi nearly the entire hour. I did manage to snap a few pictures with my phone. Excuse the quality (but someday we won't care that they're slightly out of focus because they will be historical when she's the next Nadia):

If you squint, it almost looks like she's on the balance beam. 

The squishy mats were the best part. It's the first time in weeks I haven't been afraid that her climbing habits will end in broken gophers (teeth). 

She finally managed the beam! Sitting counts. It does. 

I think she's pretty proud. (And she looks nothing like her father. If you believe that, I'd like to talk to you about a lovely coastal home I have for sale in Arizona.)

Taking turns is a new thing. She had to put her bottom on the apple (not to be confused with an apple bottom). It was painful for her to watch the other gymnasts in her class. After all, she's the next Nadia, and she wants to keep up with her training. 

Soon enough, I'll end my intellectual vacation and start to tackle real topics. But, for tonight, I'm clearing a shelf in the living room. Because those medals will have to go somewhere. 

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