Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Backyard Magic

It's cold outside, but just try telling that to a four-year old and a one-year old on a day like today. Because today was awesome. So awesome.  This happened:

When we first saw our house nearly a year ago, we couldn't stop talking about the backyard. We want to make it magical. This is about as magical as it gets for kids. (A big thank you to the guys with Some Assembly Required. They not only did great work, they caught that we had a broken board and negotiated a new one with the company that sold it to us. Highly recommend.). 

There really aren't words to describe the 15 minutes we had in the freezing cold right before dark: 

Then we got too cold, and we had to go inside. RJ was exhausted and immediately headed for the couch. GiGi, well, GiGi wasn't quite ready to come inside: 

Fortunately, we'll have many, many more magical days (and with some luck a few warm days to get us through to spring. Because I'm not sure if I can take those eyes much more.). 

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