Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Not My Usual Multitask

I multitask a lot. I talk on the phone while sending a million emails. I make calls on the road (Hands free of course. As Sir Topham Hat says, "Safety is our first concern.").  I check email while I cook dinner.  It's how things get done.

Today, I entered a new world of multitasking. Mornings are a mess of cereal, diapers, backpacks, and sock hunting. This morning was no exception. It was 8:15. RJ screaming for help. Enter mommy. There is poop on the floor. On the toilet. On RJ. He is gagging (rightfully so). "It was an accident, Mommy, okay?"

Of course, of course. Get RJ on the potty. Because he's still going. The phone rings. My boss. Of course. He needs a document, right now. Of course. Phone cradled to my ear while  using one hand to Clorox wipe the floor and the other to balance RJ on the seat, I promise to get right on that. Document will be incoming asap.

This is not the kind of multitasking I had in mind for the day. My boss will probably never know (until he reads this post anyway). The document got sent. RJ's bottom got clean. I'll re-clean the potty when I get home from work. Probably while checking email and wiping bottoms.

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