When I became I mom, I gave up my honor roll status. I'm no longer an "A" student. Sometimes I get an "A+:" I win a motion, I settle a case, I make a fancy little bento box lunch for RJ, I remember to put extra rice puffies in the diaper bag for GiGi.
Sometimes, I get a "C:" I forget to bring GiGi's extra outfit. And she poops. Big time. And I've promised RJ we'll go to Target for a Hot Wheels. GiGi rolls in a Huggy and mommy's jacket. It's how we do things. (Rarely do I ever fail, because failure is most often just an interpretation of the situation, and I choose not to be a failure.).
Sometimes, it's just a ham on the hood kind of week.
I've been busy at work. Really busy. The kind of busy that has me in the office until 4 a.m. while my babies are home sleeping. On Wednesday, I spent two hours in my car, and sixteen hours in my office. That kind of busy.
Tuesday morning, while I wrestled the small ones into their car seats, I set lunches on the hood of the car. RJ's was in his Darth Vader lunch box (Mommy gets an A+ for that one). GiGi's lunch wasn't in her Care Bears box yet, because I had left it in the backseat to ferment (C+). I got the kids buckled, grabbed the lunches, crammed GiGi's ham and cheese box in her bag, and away we went. RJ loves school and marched right in (after our kissing hand, kissing cheek, kissing hand again routine--he's a lover, not a fighter). GiGi walked into her classroom too!
I mosied back to my car to find, bit o' ham. That is, little toddler bits of ham stuck all over the hood of the car. They stuck through rain. Through school zones. Through 45 mph. Stubborn.
Work was a thousand things in a hundred minutes. I ran the car pool line at 2. Drove back across town to the house. Dropped the kids with their sitter. Drove back downtown. Worked 'til 4. In the morning.
I forgot to read the notes in RJ's backpack. (D-). I forgot Thursday was show 'n tell. (C). Show 'n tell was a special show 'n tell. (D). It was "bring your teddy bear day." (D-).
RJ didn't mind. (A+ for my little man). I napped with him for an hour on Thursday (A+ for Mommy). GiGi has a viral rash that's so ugly it warranted a call from the school (No grades assigned for sickness. Germs don't count.). The doctor says she's fine (An "A" for mommy getting her to the doctor on a work day). I cleaned the ham off the hood of the car. I remembered to get GiGi's blankie out of the car. And, I made it back to work another day.
Honor roll? Nope. Failing? Not even close. A ham on the hood kind of week? You bet.
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