Wednesday, August 8, 2012


It's time to play catch-up. Work is too busy, and someday, when my cases wrap up, I'll tell one heck of a story. But until then, sometimes, I just have to play mom (non-family folks may want to just skip this one--it's shameless):

GiGi is still sunny. And hungry.

We swim nearly every night. 

GiGi is adventuring. And discovering the blinds. 

My little woman turned 10 months old. 

She knows mama, dada, bubba, and every once in a while we get a "hey cat!"

They're still best friends. 

And he still gives the tightest hugs. I hope he always gives his sister the best hugs. 

RJ is learning to take pictures. Can you imagine? We've had to establish a no cameras in the bathroom  rule ever since I found an oddly out of focus video that started, "Say cheeth daddy!" Daddy was in the shower. He was not amused. I was. 


She loves to swim. 

And I love ruffle butts. 

RJ can swim all the way across the pool unassisted now. I'm kind of proud. 


She has no teeth. Not one. 

I love sticky baby fingers. 

Not one gopher. None. 

Bubbles are still super cool. This makes me smile. 

Shameless. I love his hair long again. 

He loves the camera. And it loves him. 

Speed racer. 

And her speed racer brother. 

Now you know why they're laughing. It's bumper baby!

GiGi has a new trick. 

We've convinced him the sprinklers are really Misty Island (off the Island of Sodor of course). 

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