Monday, August 6, 2012

It's Just Epic

I am in the middle of a chapter 11 filing. So, I've been working weekends, weeknights, and midnights. Thus, the limited mommy words lately.

But, one incident is worth a short break from the panicked frenzy:

We know RJ is a "highly verbal" child. And I know he's brilliant (because he's mine of course.). But sometimes I do doubt that he really understands some of what he tells us.

Two nights ago he threw a fit. A big one. Huge. Epic.

In the midst of the tears, the screams, and the biting (yes my child is a vampire--not the cool kind either), I told him, "RJ, if you don't cease with the fit throwing, I will take down  your train track."

"No!" he wailed, "Don't take down my epic train track!"

When later asked what "epic" means, he told us, "It means, like, really good. Incredible!"

Incredible indeed.

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