Sunday, February 5, 2012

Defining Words

There are words that define a moment: "I do." "It's a girl." "Welcome home."

There are words that tell us where we stand: "Motion granted." "Judgment denied." "The award goes to..."

And then, there are the words that defined my last week: "Where's the Febreeze?"

It started innocently enough with a little sore throat. Then there was the fever and chills. Then RJ woke up with bleeding fever blisters. And then I heard it. The defining moment: "Where's the Febreeze?" ("Don't go in there! Where's the Febreeze?")

Stomach flu.  In a matter of seven days our family had strep throat, stomach flu, reactions to immunizations, and a nasty head cold to round it out.

I lost about 8 pounds. RJ might blow away if we let him stand the wrong way in the wind, he's so tiny right now. GiGi--as proof of all things good about nursing a child (let's not talk about the bad)--has not had the flu. But she did react to her immunizations with a nasty fever and a night of screaming.

Someday I may look back on last week and laugh. Or maybe at least crack a smile. For now, I'm grateful for the Febreeze and looking forward to a better week.

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