Thursday, March 31, 2011

Mommy Mobile

From time to time, I have posted about my car. That poor, long suffering toddler hauling, drink sopping, diaper carrying mommy mobile. But, I fear I simply haven't done it justice. I cleared it out tonight (no cleaning was done--just a simple clearing of the stuff):

The shoes are a size 6. R.J. wears an 8 and a half now. The full bottle of nail polish remover thankfully had not spilled. And, I'd like to say the Thunder ticket was from this season--but I don't want to fib.

The Tupperware gods have clearly smiled on my family. We have been blessed. (I wear my hair curlers to work some mornings--one got away).

And, the food groups: thin mints, McDonald's sauce, and Better Cheddars--inexplicably lodged under the driver's seat.

Our 6th anniversary was in August. I just really like the card. (and had it stashed in the seat side pocket apparently).

My car no longer resembles Sanford & Son's truck. It is blissfully silent going around corners, and I will not be forced to do the carpool crouch to keep the Tupperware from flying. It is my solemn vow that this will never happen again. Until next time.

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