Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Best Reason

I was late to work today. This is not unusual, particularly given the time change. But, today I had an excuse, er, a reason--a really good one!

My baby wanted to read. I had just stripped the bed, the end result of another nighttime Huggie failure. (A beach towel thrown across the wet spot may not earn me the Good Housekeeping seal, but it satisfied my little man at 4 o'clock this morning. Add to that bit of good mothering a fresh furry blanket and clean pants, and he was giggling, saying, "I all dwy. Tank you mommy.")

R.J. appeared in the doorway of the laundry room. Sagging pants, crazy hair, and a little golden book in hand. "Mo-MMY, you wanna read me story?" he asked. "No, baby," I tell him, "Mommy has to get ready for work."

"But 'dis one is my favorite. I love it. It hath (has) twucks." He shows me the cover: Baby's First Book, by Garth Williams. I am helpless.

Green Eggs and Ham, The Cat in the Hat, even The Pokey Little Puppy, I can resist. But he's getting so tall. And has so much to say. We're reading Anne of Green Gables at night--and he actually pays attention and likes it. He's nearly a grown up.

So, Baby's First Book wins. I took my baby to our rocking chair, snuggled him in my lap, and we read a story. And then another one.

I was late to work today. But, I had the best reason. [My peanut butter sandwich is ready for lunch at my desk--and I won't feel bad about it. Not even one little bit.]

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