Sunday, December 21, 2014

The More Things Change

They say that the more things change, the more they stay the same. 

Of course, that's the point of a tradition.  Things shouldn't change.  


We're knee deep in Christmas cheer. The cheer has taken over my living room, where that darn elf has broken the seminal rule: do not touch my folded laundry. The cheer has exploded in my bedroom, where boxes litter the floor like the aftermath of a child's birthday party (how did parents do it all before  Amazon Prime?). 

But really, isn't this a big birthday party? 

Last week, RJ's show-n-tell theme was the letter "K." (Gigi's was "triangle.). They have show-n-tell themes now. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to find something that starts with an "X" for a three-year old to bring and discuss? I digress. 

RJ had to find something that started with a "K," and we had 10 minutes to get out the door. "King!" I shouted. "You can take a king from the nativity scene! Go grab one and let's go!" RJ ambled over to the nativity scene, paused, and lifted the baby jesus from the manger. "I got the king, mom." Indeed you did, little man, and thank you for the reminder. 

Traditions. We have ours: sandwiches on Christmas Eve--with the fancy mustard;  the elf (who will not too soon fly away home); The Sound of Music and Christmas  Vacation, and of course, our own birthday party: 

For now, this is one tradition that is holding steady.  

My heart can't take it anymore!

Three years ago, Little Miss celebrated her first pre-school Christmas party. 

So did her brother. 

This year, it was her turn to sit at the big kids' table. 

Three years ago, RJ celebrated pajama movie day solo. 

This year, baby sis tagged along for her own celebration. 

Some things don't change much, and I hope they don't. 

We're keeping up with our traditions far better than I'm keeping up with my blog these days. 

Big things have happened; bigger things are going to happen. 

Someday (soon), I'll have important things to share. For now, I'm taking a break and enjoying a season of traditions (that thankfully don't include billable hours any more). 

Holiday cheers to you!

Sunday, December 7, 2014

And Suddenly, It's December

It's December. It's December? It's December! 
I feel like I've run a marathon. 

Actually, it was only half of a marathon, but I'll take success any way I can get it. We've survived Thanksgiving and are on week two of The Elf (that sneaky little twit has already dyed the milk green, bathed in my marshmallows, and drank a half jug of syrup).

My little students are nearly halfway through the school year; my big students took their final last week. I now have a new title: "Meanest Professor." I'll take success any way I can get it.

My office is packed for the move, and all that's left is the crying (my students, not mine--I'm a meanie).

And somehow, in the midst of it all, our little everydays continued.

We celebrated the end of another soccer season. Gigi is an excellent sideline kicker. Well, mostly she plays with her little ponies, but occasionally she'll wander down the sidelines to swipe at an errant ball. 

Some of my best memories are of pizza parties after a long swim meet. We took it back old school style: Mazzio's pizza. Of course kids nowadays have new ways of entertaining themselves. What did we do before cell phones? 

This proud kid finally beat Lord Chaos in Skylander. (I say this with authority, yet I have no idea what I'm saying.)

This one is continuing her quest to become a mermaid. 

He survived his first bout of strep this year--and with luck, it will be the last. 

We took a personal day. Do you have any idea how tough pre-school is?

After a long day, there's really nothing better than a good episode of "George," your big brother, and chocolate milk. 

Unless of course, you can undress mom's bed and bring all the comforts right to your very own kitchen. That makes for a pretty good day too. 

RJ used to wash cars every morning; Gigi washes her doll purses. Kids will make their own fun. 

Speaking of fun....these little jelly ball thingies are amazing (and very scientifically named). Gigi spent hours playing with her little roll-y balls. 

She's lucky she's cute. We totally busted her running around the house after hours. Today, I caught her coloring her vanity (yes, you read that right) while wearing nothing but panties and dress shoes. Every morning around 4, she climbs in bed with me to snuggle: "Mommy, I just like you so much!" It's adorable. It would be so much more adorable if she waited until 7. 

We celebrated Thanksgiving with our Little Lutheran School family. 

We really think there's a chance RJ will grow up to be a pastor. He has a heart for service. 

We turkey trotted. 

Gigi was not amused. It was cold, and although she's young, she's smarter than all of us. No one else had a blanket. 

Here he is, ready and willing to serve our Thanksgiving meal. He soon knocked off and proceeded to consume nearly the entire turkey, leaving him with a bit of indigestion: "I'm going to have to let out a lot of air after eating all of that!"

A 5 o'clock meal got awfully close to bedtime for this little one. 

My big helper decorated almost the entire tree for me this year. 

And my little Precious Moment figurine was his assistant. 

We managed to snag a few Christmas photos. 

After just a wee bit of drama from the littlest elf. 

And now that we've completed our marathon, we're hoping to pause for just a moment or two to enjoy the magic that is December.