Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Top Ten of 2013

2013 was a big year for us--exciting, exhausting, and exasperating all at the same time.  We worked hard, made some big decisions, and tried to have a little fun. My top 10?

  1. This game of peek-a-boo: 

It was an incredible game of peek-a-boo. Many giggles were had. 

2.     The hours we spent in our backyard. We moved to this house almost solely because of the yard. We've made it count: 

Just a few weeks ago. 

Almost a year ago!

Gigi's first snow. 

Gigi's second snow. She's still not amused. 

3.     These ice cream cones. They were delicious: 

4.    The entire summer at the pool: 

5.     This little moment of sibling love: 

6.     Donut Saturdays: 

7.     Realizing that running a mile (or two or three) won't actually kill me: 

8.     Finding the toddler in the dryer before I turned it on: 

9.     Our mini vacations: 

Grandma's house totally counts as a mini-vacation, particularly when the entertainment is second to none.

10.     My top moment of 2013? Leaving the firm, private practice, and the pulsing vein in my forehead far behind me: 

2013 wasn't an easy year. I don't expect 2014 to be easy either. I do expect 2014 to be a year that's more exciting than exhausting (Gigi is finally sleeping through the night!) or exasperating. Cheers to a happy, productive, and blessed new year!

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