Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Backyard Magic

It's cold outside, but just try telling that to a four-year old and a one-year old on a day like today. Because today was awesome. So awesome.  This happened:

When we first saw our house nearly a year ago, we couldn't stop talking about the backyard. We want to make it magical. This is about as magical as it gets for kids. (A big thank you to the guys with Some Assembly Required. They not only did great work, they caught that we had a broken board and negotiated a new one with the company that sold it to us. Highly recommend.). 

There really aren't words to describe the 15 minutes we had in the freezing cold right before dark: 

Then we got too cold, and we had to go inside. RJ was exhausted and immediately headed for the couch. GiGi, well, GiGi wasn't quite ready to come inside: 

Fortunately, we'll have many, many more magical days (and with some luck a few warm days to get us through to spring. Because I'm not sure if I can take those eyes much more.). 

Saturday, February 23, 2013

For Better, For Worse

There's this part in our traditional wedding vows where we promise that we'll support each other for better and for worse. We've been blessed with an awful lot of the "for betters" in our marriage:

From our honeymoon. I think this is where I'm supposed to say, "We were so young!" But, I haven't grown up yet, so I still feel this young (and hey, the dress still fits, so I'll go with it). 

Easily the scariest, best days of my life. Better than graduating from law school (by far). Better than donut day. Even better than the honeymoon. 

These are the best of the "for betters." Most days. Every day. Even the ones where they fight and fight and fight. 

In the big painting of our world, we really just haven't had much of the "for worse." Our "for worses" tend heavily toward doubts about our respective jobs, worry over things we can't control, and other intangible, easily ignored problems. 

Last week was an exception and the reason I've been offline for more than a week. It had been lurking in the crevices of their lunch boxes, trying to sneak into the house by way of nap mats and backpacks, and, finally, it found a way in: the stomach flu. GiGi and I got hit hard. 

I was sick. GiGi gave new meaning to the phrase "projectile vomiting."  And poor daddy was wishing for his pretty bride in her pretty sundress instead of what awaited him after a late-night Gatorade run: a wrung out, sobbing wife barfing on the bed with a wrung out, sobbing daughter close beside. We were a mess. But, as far as "for worse" goes, it wasn't so bad. A hiccup (a few belches and heaves too) on our little road. 

It all bad. I spent more than my usual time with my best-of-the-for-betters. I learned a few things about them, and I'd like to think I taught them a few things too. 

GiGi is using whole sentences in her toddler way.  She can tell me, "Up please!" (Up-Pwee, Up-Pwee!).  She is absolutely addicted to the "Your Baby Can Read" videos--in particular the "Happy" (Appy!) song: If You're Happy and You Know It. 

She's learned to climb. On the fireplace. Sorry, Poppy, I'm doing my best to keep her down. 

One of the perks (or detriments, depending on how you spin it) of working part time is the ability to do conference calls from home. This is what happens when you do a conference call from home when the toddler is awake and busy. Better the Ziplocs than the pots and pans--much quieter. 

This is what happens on day three of being home bound. The toddler starts trying to see where her bottom will and won't fit. 

This happens too, because a tired, cranky mommy finds ways to entertain herself. Toddler ponytails are entertaining.  

RJ actually went to school two days last week before the bug bit him too. On Tuesday, he tested Mommy's limits and lost: 

RJ: "I want to watch "Ma Machines" (Mighty Machines) when we get home." 

Mommy:  "No, it's snacks then naps." 

RJ: "You're no fun! I like TV better than you!"

Mommy: "You've lost George (Curious George) until Saturday. If you smart off again, I'll pull over and spank you on the side of the road." 

RJ: "You can't do that. It's too dangerous." "I don't like you. I'm gonna kill you!" (He's not evil. They play a lot of Transformers at school...but I bet you can guess how this story ends.). 

Mommy pulls the Swagger Wagon over in front of the neighbor's house and swats RJ's bottom. Expecting the DHS call any day now. 

The next day RJ had a touch of the stomach flu. And the next day it snowed. So, we spent a lot of time together with GiGi. The days were long, and he got creative. I figured he'd be about 14 before I had to address the issue of mooning. 14? 4? Yes, 4 seems more like it: "RJ, pull up your pants, stop mooning your sister!" RJ replies, "Mom, at this point, I think you're just exhausted." He's a smart one. 

Despite feeling cruddy, he earned his trip to the treasure bin. I'm so proud!

So, apparently, this is what the stomach flu looks like with siblings. If you look closely, you can see that she's wearing one of her bubba's baby shoes. Sibling love. 

The best part of the week? GiGi got a kitchen! She's a gifted chef. So far, we've made cookies, eggs, and tea. (She really does have other PJ's, and I really didn't take all of these pictures the same day. Laundry is an issue after we had to watch all of the bedding and about 25 towels. Laundry is definitely included on my list of "for worses.")

The added bonus? Bubba likes to help cook too.  I hope he always helps the ladies in his life with the cooking. It makes for a lot of "for betters." 

We're finally well! (and wearing the same PJ's!)  RJ and GiGi both enjoyed the Daytona 500 at lunch today.  In their minds, they're on the track right now.  

I'm recovered, and since yesterday, I've been eating real food after days of the Oreo/saltine diet. (Whatever keeps you out of the hospital, right?).  There will be no pictures of me this week. And, I think we can all be grateful for that.  As for me, I'm grateful that we have many more "for betters" on our horizon even with the "for worses" that are sure to come.

P.S.  To Hubby, Thanks for the Gatorade, the childcare services, and the general sanity-saving this week.  Here's to many more "for betters!"

Thursday, February 14, 2013

A Gentle Reminder on Valentine's Day

Today was a good day. RJ made it another five nights in his own bed and earned another trip to mommy's treasure chest. He picked Buzz Lightyear and is planning on reuniting Woody with his old pal just as soon as another five nights go by.  This whole bedtime routine is really working for me. RJ likes feeling big. "Mommy," he asked me one night, peering into his sissy's room, "Can you get me a drink of water?" I promptly reminded him that he has a cup and a sink at his disposal. "Oh, I didn't realize that was available for me," he told me. Sometimes he's more 40 than 4. I have to pass along my dad's wisdom, "Short time to be a kid, long time to be an adult. Enjoy being a kid."

I love Valentine's Day. I know it's a Hallmark holiday, and retailers use it to make us feel guilty so that we'll spend more on useless pink cuteness, but I still love it. It's the one time a year I can make heart shaped cakes, sprinkle glitter stickers liberally on all correspondence, and wear pink heart barrettes in my hair. I love the nostalgia of the class parties. Candy hearts, paper mail boxes, and mylar balloons. I love the chance to see inside RJ's world--the chart tracking how many stars he has earned; the dump trucks he and his friends fight over; and this gentle reminder:

When I graduated from law school, a judge asked me where I was headed to work. I told her, and I think of her response often: "Do good work." I knew she meant, "do your best work;" "be ethical;" "be courteous;" and "be an asset to the profession." In other words, do your best. Do the right thing. Treat everyone the way you want to be treated. I did my best to follow my dad's advice. I stretched my childhood as far as it would go (and I still find that there are few troubles so big that an hour with a coloring book and a new box of Crayons can't ease). But, I am undeniably a grown-up. So, it's easy to forget to do my best, to do the right thing, and to treat everyone the same way I want to be treated.  On this Valentine's Day, I appreciated the gentle nudge from RJ's teacher. But mostly, I just appreciated the day to spend with my babies. 

RJ appreciated the cupcakes, cookies, and candy followed by barbecue for lunch.  I had a very sleepy boy on the way home. He was spent. And happy. (And, yes, that's a Lightening McQueen tattoo on his arm. It comes off with baby oil and will continue to be the only kind of tattoo he'll ever be allowed.).

She thinks her hair clippies are hats, and she feels very Downton Abbey in them.  (Her grandma made her adorable tunic top; I think she feels quite pretty.). 

And best of all, they remembered to treat each other they way they want to be treated. They love each other, but it's easy for them to forget or take each other for granted (the same, I suppose, as it is for us grown-ups.).  Today was a good day. We did our best. We tried to do the right thing. We hugged each other a little more than usual because we knew that's what we wanted for ourselves too. Hugs, snuggles, and lollipop kisses--a very good day indeed. Happy Valentine's Day!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Once Again, I Catch Up on Us

I admit it. I'm a slacker. Or, at least I've been one the past few weeks. It's not that I haven't taken pictures, it's just that I haven't been able to put 20 minutes together to marry the pictures with the stories.   That's my way of apologizing for what's about to follow; it's not particularly interesting, or thought provoking. I just have to keep my family album up to date. And, since it's 2013, and I've somewhat joined the digital age, this is my family album (at least until I retire and finally have time to put the 1000s of photos into some kind of real album). So, I

This happened. Ben likes to sleep in GiGi's crib. Sometimes he sneaks in when I'm not looking and snags a little cat nap. This isn't posed. Her favorite book really is the kitten book, and the kitten really does look like Ben. They're buds. 

Diamonds may be a girl's best friend, but my first macaroni necklace comes in a close second. Of course, it's just on loan. RJ told me he made it for himself, but I can borrow it whenever I want. 

Sister has learned to work it.  She models her boots with the fur...and not much else. Once again, a trend she will not be sporting when she's a teenager. 

And those teen age years seem closer than they should. Baby sis has learned to drive. (Or, she thinks she can anyway. The wheel isn't connected, but please don't tell her. She feels pretty big about it.). 

This is what evenings look like (when the floor is picked up). We play a lot of Mario Kart while the weather is cold. 

RJ's class had pajama day. "Mom," he tells me, "I get to bring a pillow!" He's the only one who did. "Everyone shared with me!" I bet they did. 

She has adopted Blue Bear. 

And, she's started cooking with me. How can she possibly be this big?!

RJ is off to fight the bad guys with his new spider web. 

Someone is pretty pleased with a few warm days and her little slide. 

But, we spend a lot of time inside too. And sometimes, it gets kinda crazy. 

This is his mean face. I'm not sure he'll convince many people that's he's a tough guy. 

We're working on her Miss America smile. This isn't it. But, this grin sure makes me smile. 

Some people might say....

...they resemble each other a bit....(though GiGi is jealous of her bub's hair). 

Not too jealous though. They really do love each other. It's kind of incredible to see this kind of love under age five. Amazing really. 

RJ's got an arm. 

This really isn't the best picture, but seriously, look at the boy's hair. It is incredible. I'm jealous of it. 

My apologies to our neighbors. He's not nosey really. He just wants to know what's going on over there, so he can talk about it at dinner. 

She's short. Like, really short. So, her little school jumper is more like a maxi skirt. And yes, she does have tennis shoes on with it. We're pretending she's walking on her lunch hour (because she outgrew her Mary Jane's, and Mommy has been too busy to try to track down new dress shoes. It happens.  Even to shoe fashionistas like GiGi). 

Grandma Cathy sent cookies! 

Did you hear me? Cookies!!!! (GiGi has a new word not so coincidentally, "Coo-KEE!")

GiGi got new shoes (unfortunately not dress shoes, so we're still pretending she's walking on her lunch hour or leaning heavily toward the athletic look--it suits her.). 

After waiting all winter, he finally got to play in the snow. I think he's excited. Most exciting? Hitting mommy in the head with a snowball. Least exciting? Mommy getting a snowball down his shirt. It was an accident. I promise. 

GiGi was not nearly so amused with the snow. But, she learned a new word, "No." (Not to be confused with her favorite word, "NO!" It's all about the expression.). 

RJ is learning to write. And it's hard work. 

And, my little woman is learning to cook. Of course, her biggest concern is wardrobe, but fortunately, Grandma saw to it that she's properly outfitted for all of her cooking needs. 

And, there you have it. Us, being us. Until next time....