Saturday, July 7, 2012

Mind Clutter and a Few Confessions

Until I can put together my thoughts (and put together my house and laundry and the kids' playroom and a whole lot of other little things), I have things I don't want to forget. Things that are cluttering my mind and keeping me up at night.  And a few things I should probably confess, because those things keep me up at night too:

  • RJ tries my patience. It is his job. He's four. So, he hears "no" a lot. And he spends a lot of time in time out. But the other morning, he told me, "Mom, you're the boss of me. But you're still my favorite girl." I love being his favorite girl. (Sometimes he tells me I'm his bestie, but I like being his favorite girl the best.).  
  • A confession: If you ride in my car, you'll probably find a Ziploc bag with a pair of little man panties in it. I will tell you they're clean. I will tell you they're "just in case." I will also tell you they're clean. I am a liar. They're not clean. (I discovered this when we had a "just in case" moment and I was desperately searching for little man panties in my car. Note to self: Don't open the Ziploc and sniff. Just don't.). 
  • RJ still thinks he's Lutheran Skywalker, and he's hunting Dark Vader. But lately he's into other adventure games too. Like bounty hunting. Except that RJ isn't a bounty hunter, he's a "brownie hunter." Which probably explains why he's my bestie. I do love some brownies. 
  • GiGi is starting to crawl and cruise. Last night, the cutest thing I've seen in a long time was a chubby thighed baby in a skirted swim suit staring at me upside down between her legs with a big baby booty in the air. My camera was in the case, and I missed the picture. Here's hoping she does it again soon. 
  • I read a lot about how to find happiness. Most everyone gives me a lot of good, ethereal advice like "focus on the positive" or "see the glass half full." I've found the more practical road to happiness involves gummy Coke bottles, good quality shampoo, putting apple scented lotion on RJ at night so he smells a lot better when he sleeps beside me, and always, always making sure GiGi wears ruffle butt pants. Ruffle butts make me smile inside and out. 
  • We're teaching RJ about being grateful and in doing so, we're having to teach him about little boys who don't have enough to eat or cozy places to sleep. It's a lesson for me too. 
  • A confession: I didn't know Luke Skywalker had a sister. And I really didn't now his sister was Princess Leia. I'm still wrapping my brain around the whole twins thing. (I still haven't seen "The Shawshank Redemption" either.  Judge away. I deserve it.). 
  • We celebrated the Fourth of July this week. I'm still grateful that hubbsie came home from Iraq ten years ago. A confession: I'd post his homecoming photo again, but I can't find it in my electronic files right now. I also can't find the kids' puppet theater or my adorable red knit top. Which would have been perfect for the Fourth of July. I have faith in the two boxes that are still packed in the garage. 
  • And once again, just completely gratuitous: 

GiGi turned 9 months old. I had a rainbow dress when I was six, and it made me feel really pretty. I hope rainbows make her feel pretty too, because she's going to be wearing a lot of this look. 

My babies love to ride. 

She pinches. Hard. 

And she thinks her brother is outrageously funny. He barks like a dog, and she'll belly laugh for days. I hope they're always like this. Because someday they'll need each other more than they need me. 

She really pinches hard. And pulls hair. 

Always, always keep GiGi in ruffles. I dare you not to smile and feel just a little happier. 

My bestie loves parades. He comes by it honest. I still love parades too. I think the marching bands are my fave. 

My goal is to keep her this comfortable with her body. 
I hope she always feels this good about herself. And I hope she always finds a little happiness in graham crackers. 

And because it was the Fourth of July, we remembered that we're really, really happy he came home ten years ago. (Even when he leaves the cupboard doors open and makes fun of my "Star Wars" family tree. I swear I really did think Luke Skywalker was Princess Leia's boyfriend. Ew.). 

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