Sunday, June 24, 2012

An Unintentional Break

I apparently took a break from blogging. It was unintentional. I just found so many other things that needed to be done. So I did them.  I painted the inside of my china cabinet purple. I hung approximately 487 family photos. I made 24 burritos. (Super easy freezer food makes me do a little twirl at supper time.).

I billed some hours. I read a lot of stories. I grocery shopped. I watched some (a LOT) of Thunder basketball and washed RJ's Thunder shirt a hundred times.

I watched the end of "The Black Swan." I watched the beginning about two weeks ago. It took me that long to get up the nerve to watch the end. At 10 a.m. So the shadows couldn't find me. That is one freaky movie.

I did a conference call from the neighborhood pool.  (Ask me about going part time. The view changes day to day, but a call from the pool isn't exactly a bad day--though leaving RJ sitting on a lounge chair screaming so that I could wander outside the gate to find a signal wasn't exactly a good day either. Balance. Juggle. Something like that.).

I'm working on something really substantive and thought provoking. Or at least semi-interesting and entertaining. Until then...

Hats are kind of her thing. 

GiGi started trying to walk. Her proportions are proving to be a challenge. 

This is what sibling love looks like at my house. (Go Thunder!)

The Thunder lost. 

Her daddy is in trouble when she turns 16. Or 36. Because she's not dating until she's 36. 

She hearts her big brother. (He spends a lot of time wandering around in his underpants. Note to self: must fix this before GiGi turns 10 and has slumber parties.). 

We celebrated Father's Day. (Go Thunder!)

No really. We are in for a world of hurt when she turns 16. 

She canNOT believe the Thunder lost. 

Fluffy! He loves his blankie. And he's still my baby. 

Look out world. GiGi is on the move. And she's serious about it. 

Peek a boo!

I got my cape. And RJ stole it. But I'll get it back. And write about it. Be sure of that. 
(Yes, we are "those" neighbors. The ones with the toddler car that has been sitting on the front sidewalk for three days. There's a fire truck, a police car, and a wrecker too. We do it up right.)

GiGi loves ice cream. 

I mean, she LOVES ice cream. 

Someday she will not like me much. 

But this belly makes me smile. 

And seriously, who doesn't want something so very good that it makes you point your toes?

GiGi loves ice cream. So does her brother. But he loves her too. I don't understand sibling love. But I know this: sibling love is giving your sister licks of your ice cream when she drops hers. 

My babies love ice cream. And each other. (And oh yeah, Thanks Thunder! You've made the last two weeks most entertaining at my house--and picking out RJ's outfits have been pretty easy too.).

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