Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Nothing I expected, everything I could want

I often say, "GiGi is nothing like what I expected, but she's everything I could want." I expected a tiny, fragile little thing that I could dress in ruffles and bows. I bought clothes before she was born--sized seasonally for my tiny, fragile little thing. She is currently into her Fall 2012 wardrobe.  Fleece trousers are not flattering this time of year.

When she was born, she was all thighs. And cheeks. Now, when she crawls, she uses her booty to drive herself. Sway it to the right, and away she goes. Sway it to the left, and away she goes.

She's tough. She tolerates her brother's kisses and bites. His snuggles and more often, his wrestling.

I expected that my baby girl would be all sugar. Very little spice. Absolutely no burps, toots, or anything else yucky.

Until last night. See this?

She's smiling at you because she's pooping in the tub. At this very moment.

She's very sugary and sunshiny and anything else you can think of to describe a happy, laid back baby. She's a little spicy--fits over toys and the car seat make me laugh. 

She is also a whole lot of yucky.

(Oh, and she's still all thighs. Not as much cheeks. But very much more than I could ever want in a little girl.).

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