Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Simple Joy

There are a few simple joys in my life. Most of them are directly and completely tied to R.J. I'm lucky to have a job that allows me to enjoy those simple joys, even on Mondays.  Even with billable hour requirements.

Yesterday was a simple joy day.  I was able to work from home--from my little white cottage desk with the scented candle and my beloved Apple computer (no crashing e-mail, no 30 minute delays while my laptop restarts--simple joys). While I checked my morning messages, I listened to R.J. tell his 'Sisa what his plans were for the day. I lunch with R.J. and 'Sisa. I snuggled and rocked my baby to sleep for his nap. (and he slept nearly 4 hours--talk about simple joy!)

I worked outside on the patio--a rare treat in Oklahoma. Not too hot. Not too windy. I was Goldilocks. It was just right.

After supper, R.J. found his own simple joy:

It was 80 degrees outside. Gentle breeze. 

Simple joys are not lost on my toddler.

And he celebrates them with gusto. 

But, he is, after all, a toddler. 

And this dirty, sticky little boy is my most joyful joy of all. 

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