Monday, April 25, 2011

The Final Countdown

When R.J. was very little, I started the countdown. When we are doing something fun (swimming, trains, cars, bath time), I tell him, "R.J., in five minutes, it's time to (go home, eat supper, insert non-fun activity here)." And so forth.

On Saturday, we welcomed a new addition to the appliance garage. It is red. It drives itself. It. Is. Amazing. It is a Dyson.

Saturday afternoon, R.J. wanted to take a bath--not a day too soon. So, as he played in the tub, I unpacked Dyson. Dyson and I are on a first name basis now.

And, I started to vacuum. I marveled at the ease with which Dyson skimmed my hallway and bathroom floors. I shuddered at what the return air vent returned to the dust bin. "Mom-MY!," R.J.'s call broke through Dyson's hum.

"Yes sir?" I called back to him.

"You have five minutes," he tells me, " 'til I needa get out."

The countdown. Amazing what passes for fun once you've become a mom.

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