Monday, January 3, 2011

A Toddler's Evening

They told me time would move fast once my baby was born. They told me it would go in a flash, the blink of an eye. What they didn't tell me was that in one evening, I would see the entire spectrum of human emotion-in a bathtub:

We started out sad--the direct result of a devastating ruling of the high court of mommy: "You are taking a a bath. I will not have a stinky boy. This is not something we negotiate." Mommy's a tough judge when she needs to be.

We got over the devastation and explored.  And showed mommy what we thought about her ruling (contempt of court? perhaps, but the punishment is light). 

We relaxed. While listening to "The Car Wash," a current favorite for obvious reasons. 

We screamed. And cried. And generally threw a fit--when "The Car Wash" ended and mommy refused to play it again Sam. 

And generally, a good time was had by all. 

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