Tuesday, October 11, 2016

No April Foolin', This is Big

It’s tempting to be disappointed, to let the mind wander 18 years down the road and realize how old I’ll be then. It’s tempting to be angry, to ask why me, why now? It’s tempting to start running figures, to add up the cost of a college education, a wedding, and all of those diapers.

It’s tempting.

But then again, maybe not.

I have friends with rainbow babies and friends who are still hoping and praying to welcome their own rainbow baby. I have friends who are spent—financially and emotionally. Friends who would give anything for the surprise of a lifetime.

And so, while it’s tempting, I won’t give in.

Instead, I’m embracing the best news. The best surprise. The best April Fool’s prank ever.

I know there is a God. I know he is good. And now, I know he has a sense of humor.

We have a million dollar family: one boy and one girl. And even with that million dollar family, we’ve been surprised and blessed with the best gift. The one who will force us into the family-sized booths at restaurants and who makes that mini-van seem like the smartest purchase we’ve ever made. The gift that reminds us that family isn’t just who we are, it’s what we do. The gift that completes us. The gift that makes us one more than four.

We’ll be spending a few more years at the soccer fields. That new furniture won’t stay quite so new. There’s a (good) chance that I’ll be saying goodbye to some of those itsy little dresses that fit "just so." The mini-van is here to stay, and we’re figuring out how to get an infant carrier strapped on to the golf cart.

It’s time to break out the fat pants. Our family of four will be a family of five. Ready or not, she’s coming. A little sister. A baby girl. The April Fool’s joke that’s really no joke. The best surprise. The best blessing. The best adventure. We’re stunned. We’re ready. We’re excited. We’re grateful.

And holy moly, just think of the Christmas dinners someday!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Regan
    That is so awesome, an April Fool!!! Best time for a birthday... I should know. :)

