Sunday, August 3, 2014

It's August?!

So, summer is getting away from me, from us. It's August! Gah! How did we get here so quickly? I feel like we should have done more. It's not that we've sat on our duffs all summer, because we haven't. (Warning: Shameless Mommy Photo Catch-Up to follow.)

We've just been super busy. School starts in less than three weeks, for them and for me (teacher this go 'round--lot of interesting tales to follow I'm sure). I've bought paint boxes, Crayons, glue sticks, and uniforms. Gigi has a new backpack and lunch bag.

But I'm not ready! I'm just not. I like sleeping late(r), and I heart mornings where it doesn't matter if the kids eat or not.

I want a few more weeks like this:

Time for reading. 

So many books we haven't read. 

I need more six-year old basketball games in my life (though I'm pretty sure Gigi could stand a bit less brotherly love). 

I want more days of day camp and mother's day out. Gigi graduated from her mother's day out class this summer. I may or may not have shed a tear or two. 

I need another night at the downtown fountain. 

Wishes from Poppy are the best. 

I want more nights to dance by sunset light. 

And to practice casting my spells. 

And bask in the goodness that is summertime. 

I want more time to explore my great state. 

Even though my great state can just be miserably hot. 

I need another trip to Wentz pool.  

He needs more time on a diving board. Seriously. Where did all the diving boards go?

They need more time in the palace on the North Mountain. 

I want more bubble daze, before he outgrows it entirely. 

I want to dance like no one is watching. 

And go for a drive in a convertible. 

Man, I miss my little convertible. 


I need a few more days to cool off the fun way. 

I need at least one more backyard campout (three cheers for a $10 garage sale tent!).

Quality meals by candlelight. 

And the self proclaimed potato chip stealer. 

Backyard campouts are the best because the potty is just an emergency shuffle away. 

And marshmallows taste best when toasted city-kid style. 

I need a few more mornings watching this guy grow up. 

And this one idolize her big brother. 

I'm simply not ready to recognize this new month of August. It's too soon. Vacations await. There's a syllabus to draft, and I still haven't had a sno-cone. I'd love to play catch-up for a little while longer, but quite frankly, the computer isn't so appealing these days. My patio is calling, and I hear there are margaritas in the refrigerator. 

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