Sunday, June 15, 2014

Our Life Aquatic

We live a life aquatic in the summer. Every day is a pool day, and if the pool is closed, there's a sprinkler running in the backyard. This summer is no exception. We spend a lot of time swimming, me more so than anyone else. About a week ago,  I left the dank indoor pool where we have swim lessons and noticed the sky. Later that night, I tried to describe it to my husband: "I don't know," I told him. "It's like the sky was bluer and bigger than I remember from summers past. I could breathe easier somehow."

It didn't really hit me until later that night. The sky wasn't bluer. It wasn't bigger. The air hadn't suddenly grown lighter. The change was simple and yet unbelievably complex: I'm happy. Really happy. Happy to the core. Every morning is a beautiful morning, and everything's going my way.

It took me a while to dig out. I needed a little help from my friends and from this guy:

He's a heck of a dad (and pretty cute too). 

You want to know what kind of father and husband this dude is? 

He's the kind of guy who spent his Father's Day morning feeding two kids so that his wife could continue in her life aquatic: 

Today, I splashed and dashed. It wasn't a long swim, but it was in open water (scary and kinda gross). It definitely wasn't a long run, but believe me, it felt that way. The first thing I saw when I surfaced? A bed-headed six-year old and a chubby-thighed toddler cheering me on from her daddy's arms on Father's Day. He wasn't home in bed. I wasn't home cooking eggs and bacon. 

Happy. Grateful. (Particularly grateful for the chocolate ice cream he just brought me as I write.).

Today was a good day. 

So was yesterday: 

We picked blackberries!

So very many blackberries. And we made jam and cobbler!

We garage sale-d and hit the biggest treasure trove of super soakers ever found. His life aquatic just got a lot more exciting. 

The sky is bluer. The air is lighter. Happy. Her smile says it. My heart feels it. 

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