Sunday, November 3, 2013

Halloween and a Few Excuses

On Mondays, we have school, swim lessons, and soccer practice. Tuesdays, we have a standing play date. Wednesdays, we have swim lessons, and church Christmas program practices are starting. Thursdays are library days at school, which find me shaking down the 2-year old in the hopes of ferreting out last week's choice read. Fridays, the kids watch about two hours of Rescue Bots while I chisel crusted fruit snacks and last week's chocolate milk out of the carpet in the swagger wagon. 

Halloween kicks off School Season--that magical time of year when every week includes a party, a conference, a parade, or a field trip. This year, we had two Halloween parades at our little Lutheran school (no scary costumes if you please), a fall festival, a party, a neighborhood carnival, and trick or treating. My children haven't slept in four days, but darn it, they powered through those chocolate bars. (P.S. To the parents who handed out Heath bars, I say "Well done and thank you," because those tasty treats satisfied my kids' parent tax in full.) 

They say that if you send a wedding gift within a year of the ceremony, you're well within good time. And now that I've covered a few excuses for another tardy post....Halloween! 

This cheerleader keeps fit with a steady diet of popcorn. Who says carbs are bad?

Even Captain America needs a break sometimes. 

Super hero in action.

She's her brother's biggest cheerleader, and now she has the outfit for the job.

The besties at their Halloween parade. 

Every girl needs a wardrobe option. At the last minute, she found her princess crown, and what the princess wants, the princess gets. 

Seriously handsome. 

I love this little character. 

His daddy is pretty cute too. 

The besties are ready for round two. 

I love everything about this picture. 

And this one. She's a naughty little princess. 

With nearly every minute of every day scheduled, these moments are rare. 

These too. 

Even super heroes get frightened from time to time. His kryptonite? An aging basset hound dressed as a hot dog. Sigh. 

It took her less than five minutes to lose the princess dress and find her super hero's magic shoes. 

And about five more minutes to find the one bag of Cheetos. Cheetos make her happy. 

This one was a little less thrilled to share his Halloween spoils. 

But, a good time was had by all. 
(And soon, I'll begin to write again with purpose--until then, welcome to my family scrapbook.).

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