Friday, June 21, 2013

Understanding this Sibling Thing

I'm an only child, and I don't understand this whole sibling thing. They share sippy cups and toothbrushes without qualms. They smack each other with plastic bubble sticks. They bite. They feed each other imaginary cakes and real chicken nuggets. And, I think that when they're supposed to be napping, they're really planning to stage a coup to take over the grocery store runs and make sure that Fruit Loops wind up in the pantry every week.

It frightens me a wee bit. But, I think I'm starting to understand it a little. (Warning--shameless photo post).  This mommy docket is more mommy than docket.

A big brother will take you places. He'll be your travel companion. He'll get you down the roads less traveled and some that aren't traveled at all. 

He'll be your hero. 

Your late night storm protector.

Your play mat. 

The big kid you want to most imitate. 

Your little sister is the only girl who can claim she painted a bath tub with you, soaked the bath mat with you, and helped your mom wash your hair and bottom. And if she's a really good little sister, she'll make sure to share these pictures with the girl you marry--especially if you claim it never happened. 

A big brother is your greatest admirer. The one who will punch other boys in the arm if they hurt your feelings. The one who will drive you to Sonic and the movies when mom is just completely unbearable and embarrassing. And for that, you'll tolerate his silliness. He's crazy. The one who you rewarded with  your very first belly laugh--and the only one who can still make you laugh so hard you think you'll throw up. He's just the way you like him. 

You'll be each other's built in playmates for years.  

I still really wish I knew what these two were looking at. A bear? Dad in his underwear? 

A big brother will giveth....

And he'll taketh away...

Nevertheless, you'll share breakfast, lunch, supper, and snacks--even the really good ones--like donuts:

You'll be subjected to mom's camera more than anyone (except your similarly situated sibling) would ever believe: 

(This is what photo shoots look like in our household; they're always some short blond guy lurking.) 

She was about three months old in this picture. Look at those cheeks!

I'm an only child. But I think I'm starting to figure out this sibling thing. It's not so much about sharing parents as it is knowing that there's someone who's always on your side of the family meeting (unless of course the meeting is about fighting--and then mom is on the side of whoever isn't doing to the biting). This sibling thing is about always knowing you have a best friend. Someone who loves your knock-knock jokes even when mom and dad have put in their imaginary earplugs and just don't find the humor anymore. It's about knowing who will sit in timeout with you and pat your back when you've told a fib. These two siblings are besties. I hope they always will be. But for now, I have this to enjoy.