Friday, November 9, 2012

Silly Mommy, Sickly Baby: Another Mommy Super Hero Moment

GiGi doesn't feel well. And when GiGi doesn't feel well, mommy doesn't feel so hot either. Even super heroes get worn down.  Mainly due to the lack of sleep and bleeding scratches on my face (we're going through a slapping scratching phase), but of course also because my baby girl is sickly. She woke up looking like a the swamp thing--oozy, gooey--generally gross. Kids are gross. Like little carrier monkeys. But, she's my baby girl, and she's sick. So, mommy snuggled. And Advil-ed. And snot sucker-ed. And then we visited urgent care. By that time, GiGi was done with me. She was done with everyone. And everyone was pretty well done with her. Even at urgent care, screaming babies can grate on the nerves.

I'm a lawyer (on occasion).  I wear fancy suits and carry fancy handbags (when I'm not carrying my wallet in a large Ziploc with a sippy cup and puffers). I'm serious. I don't do silly. Except when I've been in a doctor's exam room for 30 minutes with a slappy, scratchy, sickly, unhappy baby. That's when things get crazy:

Not so crazy. 

Not even close to crazy. 

Getting crazier...

Here we go....

Super silly mommy!

Learned this face from my dad ;)

And once again, mommy snuggles save the day. 

I forgot my cape, but I still think I pulled off some serious mommy super hero stuff that day. 

(I had to think long and hard before posting these. Mommy does not look like Wonder Woman after a sick baby night.)

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