Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Post Interrupted

We interrupt this regularly scheduled blog post for moving day! We closed on our new house yesterday, and this mommy blogger is shoulder deep in packing paper, tape, boxes, and laundry (because the laundry never ends).

My goals for the next two weeks:

1.  Finish my vacation tales.

2.  Put away my spices and cook at least one meal in our new kitchen.

3.  Snuggle RJ whenever he asks. Moving is hard.

4.  Survive!

In the meantime...

RJ's Mother's Day tea

GiGi went to the tea too. She was not amused. But she was dressed for the occasion.

GiGi started crawling. And there's nothing quite so cute as a big bottomed baby crawling around my house. Except maybe the sound of her Huggie rustling when she moves; that's pretty cute too. 

We went to Edmond's "Touch a Truck." RJ touched a police car, a fire truck, and a sheriff's car too. Best day ever.

He drove.

And drove.

Mother's Day. My boys picked out a Thunder shirt for me. I think they're just excited that I'm remotely interested in any sporting event. RJ wanted to Thunder up that day too: "We two are dressed like thunder."

RJ had his fun day at school; they "swam" in shaving cream. 

No caption needed. 

And just because it's Wednesday, and mommy felt like playing baby doll dress-up. 

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