Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thankful Bits and Pieces

1.   The pilgrims didn't have Chick Fil-A nuggets at the first Thanksgiving. Or construction paper. Or lemonade. In fact, I wonder if they had turkey. They celebrated gratitude. We try to teach RJ an attitude of gratitude. So far, so good. He thanks me for changing his stinky pants and for doing his laundry. Tonight, his giggles of glee for a clean blankie were a soothing balm for my soul. And today, we were in fact thankful for chicken nuggets, construction paper and lemonade. RJ's school celebrated Thanksgiving today with a school-wide feast. I am thankful for the little Lutheran school that taught me to celebrate Thanksgiving, and I am thankful that a little Lutheran school is right up the street for my little boy. The chicken nugget feast was precisely what my little man would have ordered if he had the choice.  He, by the way, is thankful for his big tractor, his mommy, and his daddy.

2.  I am thankful for Buzzy, the classroom bumblebee. RJ has been wondering when he would ever earn the chance to take Buzzy home. He earned Buzzy for the whole Thanksgiving weekend! Buzzy napped with us (in a pull-up, per RJ's special request). Note: a stuffed bumblebee pull-up can be easily fashioned from an antique handkerchief. The big girl panties (Buzzy is a girl apparently) took a little more skill--but a toddler sweat sock and a pair of scissors made Buzzy a happy bee in her panties.

(If you look very closely, you can see Buzzy's big-girl panties)

RJ is so proud of earning Buzzy that he is currently sleeping with Buzzy in his arms. I'm thankful he's sleeping. And I'm thankful that my little guy has something to feel proud of these days. Timeouts are far too frequent, and when you're three, everything is a no-no.

3.  I am thankful for my toddler Four Seasons in northern Oklahoma. RJ still calls his Ponca City backyard "his" backyard. The food is five stars. There is no supper better than one cooked by mom. And, the host and hostess are always available to race cars, fly helicopters or play "pitch" out back.

4.  I am thankful for Huggies. Big and small.

5.  I am thankful for our darling nanny. She visited this week, and I'm becoming more and more convinced that she is in fact Mary Poppins, complete with magical powers. After just a two hour visit, RJ was content. His attitude of gratitude had returned from a long vacation. (He tells me his sweet attitude was on the roof.)  And, we are all thankful that she and her baby boy will continue to be part of our lives.

6.  I am thankful for a husband who believes I can do it all: work, kids, cooking, house, and cats. I can't. But he never calls my bluff.

7.  I am thankful for my mentors. They have spent countless hours counseling me, consoling me, and convincing me. We've argued, and we've gone days without speaking. I've been right. And, I've been wrong. But they always take the time to let me voice my opinion. A lot of "big law" firms won't do that.

8.  I am thankful for microwave popcorn. Seriously. It's good. It's fast. And it makes my house smell like a movie theater.

9.  I am thankful for a friend who understands the pitfalls of motherhood and who shares the bittersweetness of moments we are glad we've had and we know we'll never have again. (I'll be happy to have GiGi sleep through the night, but then again, I'll miss those midnight snuffles, snorts, and smiles.).

10.  I am thankful for a happy baby:

11.  I am thankful for chocolate chip cookies, Chex mix, Rice Crispy treats, and cookbooks. RJ and I cook every afternoon. He learns to count. And I keep my sanity (I love my children, but by 4 o'clock every afternoon, my creative meter is sitting at zero. Cooking keeps my wee one entertained, and we get supper on the table too!). 

12.  I am thankful for treadmills, strollers, and tennies. Someone has to taste test the fruits of our cooking endeavors, after all. 

13.  I am thankful for naps. 

14.  I am thankful for the public library. Books, movies, music, and RJ gets to play Thomas games on the computer (and I get to avoid the video game discussion for at least a little while longer at home). 

My list could go on for miles and days. I am blessed. The End. 

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