I knew moms made sacrifices. We sacrifice sleep, and time, and the biggest piece of chocolate cake. I have been known to sacrifice the last French fry and the last bite of snow cone--just to see my toddler's gappy grin.
Other sacrifices surprised me. I used to carry darling little handbags. Just perfectly the right size for a phone, lipstick, and sunglasses. Darling little handbags do not have room for a spare pair of training pants, a Hot Wheels, crayons, a Happy Meal toy, and a toddler's digital watch. All of these things reside in my current mom-bag. It's roomy. And, it weighs at least 15 pounds. Oh, my aching back. (I hope the security guard who x-rayed my purse this morning appreciated the nifty WWII jeep that rolled around inside).
I used to wear high heels. Really high. Sky high. I was almost 5 foot six in them. They were (and are) glorious. My favorite pair resides in my desk drawer. I have determined that the throbbing toes are simply not worth it when I come home to a short guy who wants me to shoot hoops.
The shoes. Oh, the shoes. Three days ago, I had to walk to the bankruptcy court--a good five block walk. Somewhere in my mommy-ness, I have lost my willingness to sacrifice for fashion. I found myself in tennis shoes. With a skirt. And no socks. I blame pregnancy. I would never wear tennis shoes and a skirt. Except I did. People saw me. People who I will see again. They will remember this. Nikes do not an impressive litigator make. (I changed before entering the courtroom, but they will remember).
Even my toddler notices my changing style. I found myself in an OSU footbal shirt the other day. It's big. With numbers on it. I should know whose number it is, but I don't. My toddler (who I may have nursed just a little too long) exclaims, "Ha! Look at yo' num-nums! They team num-nums!"
I am a team player. I have made the mommy team sacrifices. The mom-bag tugs at my shoulder, and the comfort-style shoes give me away.
My reward: a short guy who wants me to shoot hoops every night. And I wouldn't sacrifice that for anything.
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