Snow Day!!!! I remember listening to KLOR anxiously awaiting school closings. Snow days were just different. The air smelled crispier; my blankets were warmer; I had time to sit on top of the heat vent and read all morning--something that usually earned me the wrath of my mom who was desperately trying to keep me out of the "when you're late, you're late" club. [Members of the club would meet at the donut shop near school with their moms. After all, "when you're late, you're late, might as well enjoy the morning a little bit." I hope I remember to let R.J. be a member of the club someday too].
Snow Day???? Again!? Day one was fun. We painted. And we built a snowman. I cooked. I napped. I tried to work, but the whole city has been shut down. I read stories to R.J. We snuggled and rocked. (remind me again why I hate snow days?)
Has the living room always been this crowded? Why did we get such a big coffee table? My skin itches--is the heater set on 80? Can someone puh-lease get the cat off the table?! Have you ever really looked, I mean looked at how much dirt accumulates on top of the refrigerator? Snow Day Two.
Day three. R.J. stumbles out of bed: "It snowing!" he exclaims. "Nooooooo," I groan and bury my head. Perhaps I can hibernate through this. Bears have this figured out. Eat through the holidays; really pack on those pounds; then, when the first snow day hits, dig in, hit the snooze button, and wake me up when it's spring. I'll be bikini ready and lookin' for fun.
Unfortunately, the only bear in our house is named Cuddles, and R.J. wakes him up first thing: "Cuddles, you wake?" Cuddles has yet to shed those holiday pounds.
The weathermen predict another 6 to 8 inches tomorrow. The family truckster sits roughly 6 inches off the ground; I expect we'll miss gymnastics again. (R.J.'s third week to miss in a row--he'll be devastated).
I've had a break. I didn't hibernate. The family truckster slip-slided into downtown a few times last week. So, bring on the snow day. It's time to sit on the heat vent and dig into a new book (note to self, must make it to the library tonight).
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