Ryan and A "Mighty MA-CHINE"
The promise of fall is finally in the air...but not so much that we can't enjoy some good times outside. Ryan James is currently in his mighty machine phase. That is, every truck, car, airplane, boat, bicycle, and motorcycle garners a "Whoa! Look at that!" from our little man. Earlier this month, he had the most fun watching Poppy's mighty machine--the old red dump truck.
Growing up, I rode down seemingly endless roads and highways, bump, bump, bumping on the old truck's dusty seats. The seats were so dusty that clouds of dirt would actually puff out when I pounded my fists on them (a game I used to entertain myself while dad talked to guys on job sites). I suspect the dirt situation has only gotten, well, dirtier to say the least. Despite being a prissy blond who preferred pink polo shirts, I have a lot of fond memories of the mighty machine. I learned a lot about how my dad worked--meticulous--measure three times, cut once. I also learned that will probably never be able to drive a stick shift.
Ryan James got to watch Poppy dump a load of rock into a creek bed a few weeks ago. Not my cup of tea, but I have a little boy who loves mighty machines. So, we followed the mighty machine and watched as the old truck heaved and lurched (can it do it? yes it can!--we love Bob the Builder). Creaks, crashes, and a couple of splashes, and the job was done. And, Ryan James has another chapter in his book.
*Special Note* Ryan James is currently obsessed with the Mighty Machines video series and sings along with passion that only a toddler can muster, "Mighty Ma-CHINES!'